Xpeedic will showcase its latest RF solution at the IMS 2022 in Denver, June 19-24.
The annual IMS Exhibition is held in conjunction with the IEEE MTT International Microwave Symposium (IMS), RFIC, and ARFTG Technical Symposia and offers an excellent opportunity for all segments of the microwave community to meet.
Booth Demo(#5011)
Xpeedic RF EDA/Filter Design Platform to support chip-package-module-board designs:
IRIS On-chip passive modeling and simulation for RFIC designs with accelerated 3D EM solver, and certified by advanced nodes technologies
iModeler Passive model generation with built-in MoM cap, MiM cap, inductor and transformer templates, parameterized result exploration with built-in templates.
iVerifier Fast passive verification by comparing the EM results of the PDK parameterized models, the neural network training model results, and the SPICE results of the equivalent circuit
XDS RF system-level design and simulation platform providing schematic design and simulation, post-layout electromagnetic simulation, EM-circuit co-simulation and tuning/optimization.
XDS has built-in RF filter solutions to provide customized services for filter design with entire design flow from filter topology selection, cell optimization, layout generation, and support co-simulation with packaging.
Mass-Production Proven Filter IP
IPD Filter
Xpeedic offers the turnkey IPD filter solution to RF front-end module and system customers in the mobile and IoT market. Its widespread adoption makes the total volume exceeding one billion units. The advantages of adopting Xpeedic's IPD solution include:
Silicon-proven IP library for filters, power dividers, couplers, baluns, multiplexers, and matching network;
Trusted foundry and package ecosystem partners;
Quick turnaround for customization supported by dedicated engineering team and home-made EDA design flow.
Hybrid Filter
Xpeedic has a broad filter portfolio with diversified filter technologies including IPD, SAW, and BAW. Combining the advantage from each different filter technology in conjunction with the innovative system-in-package solution, Xpeedic's hybrid filter provides the best performance in terms of bandwidth, roll-off skirt, out-of-band rejection, and power handling.
IMS2022 Resources Download
Xfilter_Diversified Filter Solution_2022.01_EN_v2.pdf
Press Release
Xpeedic Releases latest RF EDA/Filter Design Platform at IMS2022
June 19-24