Xpeedic Announces Release of SnpExpert and ViaExpert 2014.02
Suzhou, China. —Sep. 30, 2014 —Xpeedic today unveils two enhanced solution in the area of high speed signal integrity: SnpExpert and ViaExpert version 2014.02.
SnpExpert enables SI engineers to quickly explore the S-parameters in both frequency domain and time domain. SnpExpert 2014.02 solution provides quick single-ended and differential pair plot with PLTS style, enhanced TDR plot and built-in delay and skew calculator, improved S-parameter passivity/causality/reciprocity/stability analyzer, built-in IEEE and OIF compliance, customized report generator in Word/PPT/Html format and one-click-for-all template plot
ViaExpert enables fast and accurate via modeling and simulation. In the latest release of ViaExpert, both 3D FEM solver and fast hybrid solver are deployed to achieve fast and accurate simulation. In addition, ViaExpert 2014.02 release provides enhanced multi-core simulation performance, improved built-in connector footprint database, via array template, SMA model for quick pre-layout analysis and Allegro brd import for post-layout analysis. The customized parametric analysis is also supported in the new release.