EDA Release – SnpExpert 2017
Xpeedic released the industry-leading s-parameter exploration tool —— SnpExpert 2017 within its high speed signal integrity EDA solution this month.
SnpExpert 2017 provides a quick way to understand the electrical characteristics of the passive interconnectors in a system by not only viewing the S-parameter in frequency domain but also examining the time domain reflectometry(TDR) . It is a complete s-parameter post-processing solution, including gating, de-embedding, TDR/TDT, PAM4 eye diagram, Dk/Df extraction, s-parameter cascading.
What's new in SnpExpert 2017
Support PAM-4 eye diagram, also add CTLE, FFE and FIR for Tx or Rx during eye diagram calculation.
For optimization based Dk and Df extraction flow, support dk, df and surface roughness as optimization targets, also support microstrip, stripline and CPW as built-in transmission line.
Implementation of Ribbon UI with the modern look and feel as Microsoft Office products.
Support asymmetric TOD w/ and w/o fixture A or fixture B.
Support batch TOD calculation.
Support S-parameter cascading based on port connection relations.
Support single-ended crosstalk analysis in addition to differential pairs.
Support multiple S-parameter file average function to ensure both single-ended and differential data accuracy, and remove unwanted frequency points.
Add unwrap and moving_average functions to unwrap phase and calculate group delay.
Export detail TDT matrix between each victim and aggressor.
Explicitly output PASS/FAIL information for “Template Plot” based on compliance limit.
Add IL_fitted, ILD_rms and ICR_fit for template plot.
Update transformer L/Q/K/M calculation formula to accommodate both sequence and odd-even port type.
Add S-parameter and TDR quick plot panel in SnpExpert main window.
Enhance legend table to make it resizable.
please visit demoen.xpeedic.om to enjoy more fancy features from SnpExpert 2017.